Joeys  Ages:  5 - 8     Meet: Wednesday 5:00 - 6:30
Cubs    Ages: 8 - 11    Meet: Thursday 6:15 - 7:45
Scouts    Ages: 11 - 14    Meet: Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30
Venturers    Ages: 15 - 18    Meet: Wednesday 6:30 - 8:30
Rovers    Ages: 18 - 25    Meet: Friday 6:30 - 8:30

Step One - The First Visits

We encourage your child and yourself to visit 3-4 times to ensure you really wish to join our group. This allows your child time to see that they enjoy being with the section and being a member. Your child can join in most events, even if they are new, as long as the Y1 Youth Member Application form is complete and given to your Leader. You will then need to purchase a uniform, pay the registration fees and be invested.

Forms available on the Documents page

Step Two - What Does It Cost?

There are two parts to the annual fees.

  1. Bullcreek Leeming Scout Group - Group Membership Fees

    Bullcreek Leeming’s annual Group Membership fees are currently (2023) $150 for all members. New members pay an additional once off joining fee of $60. Fees are used by leaders to provide materials at weekly meetings, equipment purchases, Leader training, hall maintenance, rates and utilities. These fees cover almost in hall activities, extra money would be needed for camps and events run by others. Payment details are included with the invoice and fall due around May each year. Fees are discounted for additional family members by 10%.

  2. Scouts WA – Membership Fee

    Scouts WA will invoice you their component, currently $208 (2023) separately. Scouts WA fees cover insurance when on Scouting activities plus an amount towards administration. This invoice is created when you have decided to join and been registered. The invoice is automatically generated each year and sent by email. Payment is made directly to Scouts WA and due at the same time each year. Fees are discounted for additional family members.

Sample Invoice Here

Step Three - The Uniform.

Once your child has decided to join a uniform is required. The uniform is available from the National Scouts Store

The WA Head Office has uniform samples at 133 Scarborough Beach Rd, Mount Hawthorn.

The uniform is a button-up shirt with various coloured sleeves for each section. Joeys have tan sleeves; Cubs, yellow sleeves; Scouts, green; and Venturers, maroon sleeves. The shirt is worn with dark blue/black pants or shorts. It is not necessary to buy specific uniform pants, any suitable clothing will do. The uniform top costs about $45. You also need to buy a woggle. Scout uniform hats are encouraged but optional. Your child must wear closed in shoes to every meeting. Some second hand uniforms are available, just ask.

​Step Four - Registration and Investiture

Once the uniform is purchased and Group Membership Fees paid, a date will be set for investiture. The new member will need to know the Law and Promise and their meanings. Families are encouraged to attend investiture as it is a special occasion. Upon investiture you receive our Group’s scarf, badges, a record book and a Group t-shirt. The Group t-shirt allows your child to get messy and is handy when District events are on as they are easy to recognise. Then Scouts WA invoice should arrive and be paid.

Other Information

Information booklet

This describes the joining process. Download here.

Parent Helpers, Committee Members and Leaders.

Our group requires volunteers to function. All leaders’ positions are voluntary, as is every position within the group. We ask that you place your name on the Parent Helpers Roster at least once a term. It helps the leaders deliver a better program and allows you to be with your child. Who knows you may even enjoy it so much that you decide to become a leader!

We also have a Parent Committee who work at assisting the leaders and parents are encouraged to join. It is a chance for you to represent your child’s section and have a say on where money is spent. The Parent Committee meets once a term. Ask your section leader for more information.

All leaders in our Group began as parents like you. We care not only about the young people under our guidance, but also about our community. Our Leaders are actively involved in planning and implementing projects to help our local community, and in expanding the community awareness of the young people in our group. We welcome all to come and join us as Leaders at Bullcreek Leeming.


Several fundraising events are held throughout the year. Fundraising allows the Group to reduce fees whilst maintaining all our equipment and facilities.


Meeting times and Contact details

Joeys, aged 5 - 8, meet on Thursdays 4:30 - 5:45pm

Cubs, aged 8 - 11, meet on Thursdays from 6:15 to 7:45pm.

Scouts, aged 11 - 14, meet on Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:30pm.

Venturers, aged 15 - 18, meet on Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:30pm.

Rovers, aged 18-25, meet on Fridays 6:30 to 8:30pm.

Group Leader (all other enquiries)
Melanie Gray (Quokka)